Garment Bags

Most garment bags come in 21 Lb rolls with a 1-mil gauge. They are available in clear and white. Our 40-inch center zipper bag is 3-mil gauge. 

Check out our entire selection of garment bags below. Get affordable, wholesale pricing for all of the bags on our website.

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Why Should I Use Garment Bags?

A garment bag serves four primary purposes:

  1. protecting clothing from damage
  2. preventing delicate items from getting wrinkled during transport
  3. making travel with suits and dresses more convenient
  4. organizing closets and storage space

We are a wholesale supplier of garment bags. Get exactly what you need when you turn to Relis & Roth.

The Benefits of a Quality Garment Bag

When you purchase a garment bag, there are some great benefits you get as well. Here are some of the more notable benefits.

  • This bag makes traveling easier and helps keep the clothes safe during transport.
  • Garment bags keep the clothes wrinkle-free, so you do not have to look for an iron to press out those pesky wrinkles.
  • Heat, moisture, and other external elements can ruin the shine and the luster of the suit or dress. However, a garment bag will protect your delicate fabrics and expensive suits from any damage. Ensuring you can wear it once you take it out.
  • Garment bags are great for when you are moving and can relieve stress from packing. If you do not want to fold your clothes, then you can use a garment bag to keep your jackets, shirts, and/or pants, clean and organized during the move.
  • Some airlines have a special compartment to hang a garment bag, which makes flying on a plane easier.

Check out these four reasons people use a garment bag. Our selection of garment bags are perfect for retailers. Contact us today to learn about our wholesale prices.